I like bringing my camera with me everywhere, sometimes it is my way to interact with the world. It has started conversations, gotten me street cred, and above all else it has provided me with plenty of entertainment. What do I want from all this? Well, I would like to believe that people find it interesting: what it is that I take away from just being in existence, the little nuances that make me laugh or think. I see in my photographs also, the varied existence which I call my life. As I have said before, my work as a cinematographer takes me to very interesting places, and guess who's riding shotgun- ThisOneCamera.
Pole listening
Hannibal dog
Hannibal dog
I took this one in honor of a photo my friend Jake took on his iphone. I rarely find myself on an elevated train these days, but when I did I was instantly reminded of his iphone photo, and I wanted one of my own! Jake is a talented painter and you can see his stuff at JakeNelsonArt.com
Ode to Jake Nelson
This one was taken while I was shooting a video for a family who recently lost a member to cancer. This is her mother. After the interview the family proceded to pack up the daughter's things, and some of them are stacked up behind her. She is watching her grandchildren and other daughters carry things down the stairs and out to the street. I have pictures of the entire family, but this one I feel is the one that captures something extra. The family was very strong and supportive of each other. It was quite a beautiful thing to see as they remembered someone they loved very much, and I feel very privileged to have been there for it.
This one was taken while I was shooting a video for a family who recently lost a member to cancer. This is her mother. After the interview the family proceded to pack up the daughter's things, and some of them are stacked up behind her. She is watching her grandchildren and other daughters carry things down the stairs and out to the street. I have pictures of the entire family, but this one I feel is the one that captures something extra. The family was very strong and supportive of each other. It was quite a beautiful thing to see as they remembered someone they loved very much, and I feel very privileged to have been there for it.
I leave you with this last image; it is from a shoot of Rocky Business for Frank 151. I used a hand held flash in my left hand while shooting with the bulb setting in my right hand. (Note the picture is not of Rocky Business, it is of one of the openers). More photos from this will be in my next post.
apparently the guy in the last picture is santa golds baby dady.